Dealing with waste electrical or electronic equipment (WEEE) in line with the guidelines and legislation is very important, especially if you’re running a company. To avoid fines, PR disasters and even imprisonment, make sure you’re aware of all the business WEEE regulations and office computer disposal.
What does business WEEE mean?
WEEE covers anything powered by batteries or plugs. UK and EU regulations on business WEEE disposal are strict and have significant consequences if the correct procedures aren’t followed. This is because the legislation is there to protect the environment, so a lot is at stake.
Equipment that is classed as business WEEE includes:
- Devices powered by electricity or electromagnetic fields
- Alternating current voltages less than 1,000 volts and direct current voltages less than 1,500 volts

Regulations for business WEEE
Under the WEEE regulations (first brought in in 2006), businesses and households are responsible for returning and recovering waste electrical and electronic equipment. This means that if your business uses electrical or electronic equipment (EEE), you must comply with two main requirements. Your business must:
- Store, collect, treat, recycle, and dispose of WEEE separately from other wastes
- Maintain proof that WEEE was treated and disposed of in a sustainable manner by an authorised waste management company
By putting the bulk of responsibility for correct WEEE disposal on the businesses themselves, the legislation looks to reduce the number of electronic items in landfills and instead see them being correctly recycled.
Do WEEE regulations apply to my business?
You will most likely need to consider these regulations if you manufacture, sell, distribute, recycle, or treat electrical or electronic equipment.
You will also need to adhere to the disposal guidelines if you run an office building and are looking to get rid of any electronic equipment such as computer monitors, printers and scanners.
Types of WEEE
The 10 categories of WEEE are:
- Monitoring and control instruments
- Automatic dispensers
- Lighting equipment
- Large household appliances
- Toys, leisure and sports equipment
- Medical devices
- Consumer equipment
- Electrical and electronic tools
- Small household appliances
- IT and telecommunications equipment

Business WEEE disposal responsibilities
As a result of breakdowns or wear and tear, most electrical equipment is replaced and disposed of at some point in businesses. Technology goods and computer equipment, in particular, may need to be replaced quite often due to the fast-paced nature of office working.
Businesses are responsible for either:
1. Organising the disposal of WEEE items within government guidelines
2. Funding the collection and treatment of WEEE products by a professional team
If your business fails to comply with WEEE regulations, you could face penalties. These could include fines, bans on product sales, and even imprisonment.
The benefits of proper WEEE disposal
Proper disposal of old equipment isn’t just a matter of following regulations; your business will also benefit from good WEEE disposal (and the environment). As part of your general environmental management policy, you should include a policy for disposing of old equipment. This way, you can be sure you’ll never be caught out.
Some of the benefits of proper business WEEE disposal for your business are:
- Using recycling as a competitive advantage – It shows your clients that you understand the importance of protecting the environment
- Avoid violating waste disposal laws
- You can save money
- Make your workplace more spacious by getting rid of unnecessary equipment

Using Clear It Waste to follow business WEEE regulations
Only experts can properly manage WEEE and office computer disposal. Our team of specialists has a wealth of experience in meeting the government’s regulations for business WEEE disposal. Our highly trained team at Clear It Waste can collect, clear, store, and dispose of all WEEE professionally and efficiently.
Once we clear your office and collect your WEEE waste, we follow a special process to separate the components so that as much can be recycled or reused as possible.
1. We’re a local company
Our services are available throughout London, with our team members having a good knowledge of your local area. That means we’ll be able to quickly jump into action for emergencies. Whenever you need us, Clear It Waste is here to help you.
2. We’re environmentally-friendly
The environment is important to us. We are committed to protecting the environment, so we strive to provide environmentally-friendly services. At present, 80% of the waste we collect can be recycled, but we are constantly working to increase that percentage.
3. We focus on our customers
We strive to provide excellent customer service during every interaction you have with us. In addition to this, we make sure that the whole process of removing business WEEE is as hassle-free as possible. We know running a business can be difficult, so we won’t add to any of your stress.
4. Our prices are fair
We offer reasonable prices for every service. Our goal is to find the right solution at an affordable price for your business, whether it be a full office clearance or just a regular removal service. Get in touch with us, and you’ll see that pricing at Clear It Waste is fair, transparent, and competitive.
5. We’re easy to book
It’s simple to book an appointment with us. Get in touch with Clear It Waste for an appointment for business WEEE removal, just to discuss any questions you may have or for a personalised price quote.
Already decided? You can book an appointment with us by calling, emailing, or using our online booking system!

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